Ask Nicole: Prepping for Your Consultant/Partner Discovery Call

By |2021-11-03T09:19:47-04:00October 13th, 2021|Categories: Consulting|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

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After searching the internet, asking your networks for referrals, and scouring social media, you’ve finally found someone or a team that you can see your organization working with.

Checking out their website, social media presence, and testimonials is the first step.

The next step is scheduling a “discovery call”.

A discovery call is an initial conversation you have to determine whether you will be a good fit. It’s an opportunity to do a deep dive into your project/event, and get a sense of what it would be like to work together.

I normally don’t go in completely unaware. For my process, prospective partners and clients fill out my questionnaire form. After I scan to make sure their project falls into my focus areas and what they’re looking for is something I can help with, and they pass my “do I actually want to work with them?” scan, I set up a discovery call, specifying this as a preliminary call to determine if we will be a good fit.

Of course, you won’t know what it’ll be like until you actually start working together, but you can look for red flags as well as see if they understand your vision. Here are some tips for prepping for your discovery call:
