30 Jul, 2014

Advice for the Introverted Facilitator

By |2023-02-08T22:08:31-05:00July 30th, 2014|Categories: Speaking & Facilitation|Tags: , |0 Comments

In a few weeks, I will be in Washington, DC, to facilitate my workshop “ ’Good Girls Don’t Have Sex’: How Do Religion and the Media Influence Young Women’s Sexuality?” during the annual Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit. I’ve facilitated this workshop several times in the past, and as I started to prep for Summit this week (completely out of character for someone who loves to procrastinate), I began thinking of the usual: workshop flow and how to improve my workshop based on past feedback. But I also started to think about me as a workshop facilitator, how I relate to my workshop participants, and my personality in general.

I’m an introvert, and workshop facilitation (and other forms of public speaking) seems like an odd choice for someone who is more inclined to draw energy from within. Though I’m not really one to be in the spotlight when it comes to my personal life, when it’s time to raise my voice for women and girls of color in a professional or activist setting, I’m “on”.

“On” for me doesn’t mean I get this sudden burst of extroverted flair. It means that I’m well prepared and I know what I’m talking about. I utilize my ability to engage my participants while also knowing when to stop talking and get out of the way.

If you’re just starting out in workshop facilitation, or if you’ve facilitated before but feel your introversion hinders your ability to engage your participants, let me tell you this: With over 10 years of workshop facilitation experience behind me, I’ve discovered along the way that you can be an engaging facilitator, have fun while doing it, and keep your introversion in tact. Here is my advice on being an engaging, fun, and introverted workshop facilitator:


18 Jun, 2014

Try This: The Teach Back Method

By |2022-08-15T12:24:11-04:00June 18th, 2014|Categories: Workshop, Program, & Curriculum Design|Tags: , |0 Comments

There’s a lot to think about when planning a workshop, and along with making sure we’re as engaging as possible, we get caught up in how we’re delivering our message, that we don’t realize how it’s being received.

Outside of evaluating your workshop, there’s a great tool that’s been used by teachers, healthcare professionals, and social workers alike. It’s called the Teach Back method, and you’re going to start incorporating this into your workshops.

The Teach Back method (also known as the “show me method”, or “closing the loop” is a practice where the facilitator asks the workshop participants to explain a concept or skill based on the workshop topic, essentially taking on the role of facilitator. The Teach Back allows you to gauge your participants’ understanding of a topic or concept. The Teach Back also determines how effective you are at teaching or demonstrating a concept or skill within of your workshop. Merely standing in front of your participants and reciting information, even if you’re engaging them, doesn’t lead to a high increase of behavior change in the long run.

If your workshop participants are able to Teach Back, it means they most likely understand the material, especially since they’re tasked with teaching to their peers.

Along with retaining information, some of the benefits of the Teach Back method include:

  • Participants see themselves as experts, rather than relying solely on the expertise of the facilitator
  • Participants will most likely employ the behavior in real world situations
  • Participants are able to retain information when it’s recited in their own words

As the facilitator, you also benefit from the Teach Back method:


4 Jun, 2014

Ask Nicole: Should Child Protective Services Get Involved When a Young Woman Seeks an Abortion?

By |2021-08-19T18:19:52-04:00June 4th, 2014|Categories: Public Health & Social Work|Tags: , |0 Comments


Do you have a question that other Raise Your Voice community members can benefit from? Contact me and I’ll answer it!

I recently received the following question from a social work graduate student, who recently completed her first-year graduate internship (known as a field placement in social work) at an urban reproductive healthcare clinic:

Hi Nicole!

I recently finished my first year in graduate school for social work. Coming into social work school, I had a big interest in being in clinical study and I’ve envisioned myself working one on one with adults. I was placed in a local clinic that deals with most healthcare needs, and I was placed in the reproductive health access department as an intern. After being in my placement, I’m starting to gain an awareness of how important access to reproductive healthcare needs are for young people and communities of color, and I’m starting to become more interested in doing community practice instead of working one on one in a clinical setting.

A few weeks ago, a few classmates and I were reflecting on our field placement experiences. When I mentioned the great experience I had at my placement, one of my classmates told me that it is unethical for social workers to assist in helping people obtain abortions and that we have a duty to report it to Child Protective Services, especially when the person wanting an abortion is a young girl who is being sexually abused. This is based on the NASW Code of Ethic, she says. My classmate said that social workers, above all things, should protect life, and that includes the life an unborn child.

While I enjoyed my field experience (and, by the way, I also assisted other healthcare needs besides abortion), I’m starting to wonder if my classmate is right. Being that you’re a social worker that has a lot of experience in reproductive rights, can you share your insights?

Thank you!

I was excited when this student allowed for me to share her question. There are several parts to her questions, but before I share my answers, here’s a little background on social workers and our roles in reproductive healthcare:


30 May, 2014

Program Evaluation for Women & Girls of Color: Do You Need Quantitative or Qualitative Data?

By |2021-08-19T18:20:33-04:00May 30th, 2014|Categories: Research & Evaluation|Tags: |0 Comments


This is part four in a four-part series on program evaluation, dedicated to organizations and businesses that provide programs and services for women, girls, and communities of color (and for people with an interest in evaluation practice). Throughout this month, I will be discussing certain aspects of evaluation practice –from how I became interested in evaluation, myths about evaluation, knowing what type of evaluation to perform, and bringing your community together to support evaluation – with the intent on highlighting the importance of evaluation not just from a funding perspective, but from an accountability and empowerment perspective.

In Part One, I shared how I got started in evaluation practice. In Part Two, I shared some of the common myths about evaluation that can cause us to look at evaluation negatively. In Part Three, I shared how asking the right questions is the key to successfully evaluating your program or service.

Now that you’ve determined why you want to evaluate your program or service, and you’ve decided if you should evaluate as the program or service is in the development stages or at its conclusion (or both!), it’s time to determine what type of data you want to collect.

The Basics

When it comes to research and evaluation, there are two types of data: quantitative data and qualitative data.

With quantitative data, you’re collecting information that can be mathematically analyzed in a numerical fashion. You want to use quantitative data:

*To see what correlations exists between various factors

*To gather demographics (age, gender, race, grade level, etc.)

*To get the answers for “who”, “what”, and “how many” of an occurrence

*To draw a more generalized conclusion about a population

You can collect quantitative data through:

*Pre- and post-tests



*Brief telephone interviews or in-person interviews

In comparison, qualitative data is collected when you want to analyze a more narrative form of data that can’t be mathematically analyzed. You want to use qualitative data:

*To get more in-depth explanations between correlated factors

*To gain insights into behaviors and experiences of a population

*To get the answers for “why” and how” something is occurring

*To have a “voice” within a population rather than a generalization

You can collect qualitative data through:


*Focus groups

*In-depth interviews (with stakeholders, program participants, or staff members for example)

*Case studies

Here Is an Example of Each

Let’s revisit our example from Part Three:

An evaluation of 11 high schools across the Lubbock, Texas school district looked at peer influence as a key component of delayed onset of sexual activity of the district’s mandated abstinence-based sex education curriculum. Let’s say that we expect the result of our program to be that students are heavily influenced by their peers in whether they are successful at delaying onset of sexual activity (vaginal, anal, and oral sex.)

An example of a quantitative question: Who are the students involved in the program? (Age, race, gender, sexual experience at time of program, etc.)

With this question, you’re collecting data on the participants’ demographics (the WHO) to determine who is participating in your program or service.

An example of a qualitative question: Do you feel that your peers play a role in whether or not you delay sexual activity?

With this question, you’re collecting more of a narrative as to why your participants feel they way that they do (the WHY). While this question can be answered as an open-ended question on a survey, by asking this question within a focus group or an in-depth interview setting, you’re able to get more detailed information.

Which is Best?

Comparing quantitative data and qualitative data is like comparing apples to oranges. They are both useful forms of data, like apples and oranges are delicious types of fruit. How will you know to use which form of data collection? It depends on how you want to answer your evaluation question.

Deciding between quantitative and qualitative methods is largely based on your evaluation questions as well as on the practicality of collecting your data. A clearer way to decide between quantitative and qualitative data collection is to decide how specific or how general you want to be. (more…)

22 May, 2014

Program Evaluation for Women and Girls of Color: Develop The Evaluation Questions You Want To Answer

By |2021-08-19T18:21:00-04:00May 22nd, 2014|Categories: Research & Evaluation|Tags: |0 Comments


This is part three in a four-part series on program evaluation, dedicated to organizations and businesses that provide programs and services for women, girls, and communities of color (and for people with an interest in evaluation practice). Throughout this month, I will be discussing certain aspects of evaluation practice –from how I became interested in evaluation, myths about evaluation, knowing what type of evaluation to perform, and bringing your community together to support evaluation – with the intent on highlighting the importance of evaluation not just from a funding perspective, but from an accountability and empowerment perspective.

So far, we’ve discussed some possible “WHYs” of evaluation practice (from the benefits of evaluating your programs and services, seeing if the objectives of your program or service is currently meeting the needs of your participants, to looking at the misconceptions of evaluation and how they can affect your work). Now, let’s switch gears and focus on WHAT you’re evaluating and WHEN to evaluate. This part of the series is trickier than the others, but I want to touch on the basics so that you have a working knowledge on this important part of evaluation. This is by no means complete list. If you have a question about anything in particular (logic models, strategic plans, etc.) or would like me to give more examples of this week’s topic, please let me know in the comments below and I can follow-up with additional blog posts outside of this series.

What Are You Evaluating?

In order to get to your destination, you need to know where you’re going. In order to do this, we need to develop a strategy that will guide you in how you will look at your data. This will help you determine if your producing the results you’re expecting. This is where evaluation questions come in. An evaluation question helps you look at your data to see if your program or service is producing its intended objectives.

There are two types of evaluation questions: a process evaluation question and a results-focused question. A process question wants to know how the program is functioning. How a program functions depends on a variety of factors, such as the length of the program, the number of participants, the activities being offered in the program, how the participants interpret ad interact to the activities, and so forth. In other words, the who, what, when, and how of the program’s implementation. Process questions are especially useful when you’re in the beginning stages of planning your program; however, they can be asked throughout the program so that you’re always thinking ahead and adjusting your program’s implementation.

A result-focused question, on the other hand, wants to know if the program is accomplishing the results you’re expecting. In other words, how effective is your program, and are your participants benefiting from the program in the way you’ve intended? Results-focused questions typically follow the completion of a program.

Now that we know more about the types of evaluation questions, let’s look at when each question comes into play. (more…)

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