2011 Blog Reader Survey: The Results
From December 28, 2011-January 13, 2012, I conducted a short survey to get feedback from my readers on how my blog is doing and where my readers would like to see the blog and my consulting services go in the future.
I wanted to just type of a regular blog post to show the results, but I wanted to try something different.
I came across this awesome service called SlideShare, where you can share PowerPoint presentations in a cool format beyond sending people an email with an attachment.
Ta-da! Above are the results! (Make sure to click the four arrows on the right bottom portion of the screen to view the slideshow in fullscreen.) Have any questions or comments? Share them with us in the comments section below!
Also, congratulations to Chanel Marshall of Jaali, Co. for completing the survey and being chosen as the winner of two pairs of beautifully designed earrings by Colored Girls Hustle. (I put everyone’s name on pieces of paper, tossed the pieces in the air, and picked….a very scientific way of doing things.)