In order to raise your voice for others, you have to take care of yourself first. That’s where self care comes in. If you like this tip, be sure to sign up for the Raise Your Voice newsletter to receive your copy of The Revolution Starts with Me! self care zine for more tips and self care resources.
It’s easy to become discouraged when you realize that the year is almost over, and you may not be further along in reaching your goals than you’d like. But when you take some time to really think about it, you have done many things to bring you closer to the goals you set for yourself this year.
A few months ago, I started to write down what I thought were some successes I’ve made towards my goals for the month. I took a sheet of paper and wrote the name of the previous month. Then I listed anything that I felt I did that month that’s brought me closer to my goals. (I also looked through my personal journal as well as in my gratitude journal iPhone app to jog my memory). It was an instant mood booster.
This weekend, take some time to write down anything that moved you closer to your goals last month. This can involve any goals you set throughout the year for school, career, health, relationships, finances, and other areas that you’ve set out to improve. For extra credit, take your successes and write down the next step for each one, and focus on that next step for the duration of this month. Not only will you see that achieving your goals are possible, it also reduces any overwhelm you may be feeling in achieving your goals.